Chestionare, da ai vazut bine. Ca sa te antrenezi pentru examenul vietii, am realizat o aplicatie cu peste 200 de intrebari la care sa raspunzi. La finalul chestionarului vei vedea ce ai gresit si care era raspunsul corect.
Stim cam toti cum e cand nu esti cea mai luminata persoana in materie de literatura. Cum ar fi sa afli ca nu mai trebuie sa stai sa deduci ce inseamna fiecare figura de stil in parte sau ce vrea sa zica X?
Ei bine, aceasta aplicatie iti vine in ajutor. Mizez pe faptul ca nu vrei sa inveti 3 eseuri diferite pentru fiecare opera epica, asa ca in interiorul aplicatiei, la sectiunea Ponturi ti-am dat reteta mea.
Contine eseurile necesare pentru BAC, specializarea mate-info, dar chiar daca esti la alta specializare, te poti inspira.
Structurarea acestora este simpla, accesibila oricui. Tot ce trebuie sa faci e sa inveti maxim 10 elemente la fiecare opera si apoi sa urmezi reteta si BOOM! deja stii 3 eseuri.
Daca aveti anumite sugestii pentru dezvoltarea aplicatiei, va rog sa le scrieti printr-un review pe Google Play sau pe pagina de Facebook.
Have fun! :P
Questionnaire, yes you did. To train for the life exam, we have an application with over 200 questions to answer. At the end of the questionnaire, you will see what you were wrong with and what was the right answer.
We all know how it is when you are not the brightest person in literature. How about finding out that you do not have to stand down to what each style figure means or what does X mean?
Well, this app helps you. I'm counting on the fact that you do not want to learn 3 different essays for each epic opera, so inside the application, at the tips section, I gave you my recipe.
It contains the necessary essays for BAC, the math-info specialization, but even if you are in another specialization, you can inspire yourself.
Structuring them is simple, accessible to anyone. All you have to do is learn up to 10 items per work and then follow the recipe and BOOM! you already know 3 essays.
If you have some suggestions for developing the application, please write them through a review on Google Play or the Facebook page.
Have fun! : P